In the dream, there are two horses who are running at the same time and in the same place. They are both running from a barn fire, on the plains. On the plains, they are running until the World is starting to turn into the West and the plains are blurring together. In another dream, they are running until the end, or until they fall off the far edge of the western country. They are following the map where the shortgrasses stretch as far as the eye can see, and the sound of the river is all and fading. Tomorrow, when the earth has come and gone, it leaves nothing but the four riders: two horses: two lives forsaken. You are standing at the center of a crossroads with four different paths to choose from. Two of them are the right paths. Two others are the wrong paths. This is your choice. This is your doing, undoing. This is how the dream plays out: You are a horse and you have been a horse all your life. You are running somewhere you remember from another life and besides you there is another horse. You remember this horse from another life. And the life becomes whole. Everything becomes whole. Your hoove, once broken, back again. The other horse is now also a boy again. No more running. You are in the hospital room. The other boy is in the hospital bed. And everything looks so small from above, from a bird’s eye-view - like a God, silent and watching. He looks into the light / He looks into your eyes and his lips, once broken, back again, their cracked pink again, mouth tell me about the dream where we are brothers. tell me about the dream so this can become real. & you are twelve years old again. You are a boy alone in the locker room again. Everything looks so small from above. Bird : God . In the dream, there is a reed on the shore of a lake somewhere. A wave swims up to the shore. Over days, they fall in love over days until winter comes and the lake freezes over and the reeds begin to die. And still then, they are two but two dead things. Two still bodies. This is the end of the story. No more monsters. No more stories. The boy says tell me we are still made of the same blood. tell me this is not how it must end.